Thursday, December 17, 2009

face to the race

After doing the activity pairing the face to the race, I realized pretty much all assumptions about physical traits of races are all stereotypes that often are not even correct. We grow up learning information about race that is not true. Why else would our class only get 4 of the 20 pictures correct? We see people and automatically label them as a certain race because thats how our culture works. If someone looks different, there must be a reason why. Instead of thinking about why they look different, we waste our time stereotyping them as a meaningless race and ignore the biological part of it. Its embarrassing that this is how the world works. It is odd how race can change depending on a plane ride, yet in Americans' minds we still assume race is biological. Yet, that is impossible if race changes with a plane ride. All over the world people classify people by race. I traveled with my cousin who is a quarter Filipino and a quarter Japanese to Thailand. The Thai people would pay extra attention to my cousin and some would even ask her if she lived in Thailand. Although she did not look Thai, it seemed odd to them that a non Caucasian was with a group of whites so they assumed sh must be one of the Thai counselors. This shows the entire world is obsessed with race.


  1. I think that if a lot of people looked past their general ideas of a certain race, this world would become more accepting and calm of so many people different from themselves.

  2. I agree..we grow up learning to look at a person and decide wheather they look trustworthy or not. We judge by color and not by person.
