Thursday, January 7, 2010

Final Blog

I am still Hilary Kritz and a senior in high school, yet now I know that I am much more than that. I am who I am because of who I choose to be friends with and what I choose to do each day. I have the power to decide if I am going to live a life which is constructive or a life that I will look back on and regret. Although friends, family, and school are still the most important aspects in my life, I realize that how I treat each of those things is the part that makes up who I truly am. From the identity molecule I realized that I am defined by such a large number of different groups, all which have equally contributed to my life. Although I spend much more time with some groups of my identity molecule, that does not mean that another group has not impacted who I am and how I choose to live my life. From the socialization unit I realized that some of what makes me who I am is uncontrollable. I have realized that the media has such an effect on the way almost every high school girl lives their life. Also, I found the saints and roughneck article, although very long, extremely applicable to who I am. Although I am not on either end of the spectrum I know that my friends and I all have a bit of "saint" characteristics in us.
Not only has sociology helped me think about who I am differently, I have also thought about the people around me. Doing community service made me realize that other people are not as fortunate and it was a an interesting experience to see how different someones life can be that lives only a short drive away. It definitely made me rethink what my goals are in life and what would make me content.


  1. i agree, just because we went through this course doesnt mean we are changed people but just the way we look at things is different..and i fee like a better person overall

  2. after sociology i realized that helping someone a little bit that barely effects me can change a person life.

  3. I agree that some of the aspects that make up who we are as an individual are uncontrollable because the media and our peers influence us and sometimes we don't even realize it.
