Thursday, October 22, 2009

Agents of Socialization

I found the article that we had to read for class very interesting. I never realized how many aspects shape children's lives, even though no one is aware of certain influences unless they are pointed out. School has many functions. You go to school to learn reading writing and math(manifest functions), yet you go to school also for social skills and interaction with the real world (latent functions). Everyone always says that latent skills are so much more important because they get you further in life, yet Stevenson still places a much heavier weight on the manifest functions (except Soc class)! Although Stevenson tries to mistake families and people into believing they place a heavier wight on latent functions by encouraging learning targets and extra curricular, when it comes down to it infinite campus with grades is the most important ingredient to academic success at Stevenson. Another agent that I could relate to is day care. I had a nanny that lived with me when I was about 2 until I was around 6. Although I was with my mom also most of the time, my nanny, Lindsey, had a strong impact on me. She was from England and from being around her so much during the years when my brain was vastly developing, I picked up a rather strong British accent. It shows that the people who are around you when you are a young child, even if the are not your mother, have a very strong influence on various aspects of that child's life. Unfortunately, I lost my British accent within a year or two after she moved back to England.


  1. Unfortunately, Stevenson values grades way too much. Despite the fact that some teachers (Sal) aren't obsessed with grades, our school still is. Now we have access to our grades all the time with Infinite Campus. Also, it is so interesting that from ages 2-6, your brain can absorb everything. You hear or see something and then you want to repeat it (like Sal's daughter copying the chewing motion).

  2. I agree with what Carlie said. Stevenson is way to intrigued with their students grades that we forget about the real reason why were at school, to learn, not about focusing on our grades. Now Stevenson makes it even easier to focus EVERYTHING on your grades with infinite campus, they are seriously crazy

  3. That's really funny Hil about the accent! It's so true though that we are so easily influenced on just simple interactions with people we see.

  4. Hilary! Will you PLEASE do a British accent for us in class? I will give you extra credit if you talk a whole class in only British English!
