Thursday, October 8, 2009


As an American citizen, I would definitely characterize our country as being highly dependent. We depend on each other for both material and non-material things. Often people depend on another for money or clothes whereas people also depend on each other for support and love. Americans are more afraid to depend on people for the non-material things. People feel uncomfortable asking someone for advice, support, or even guidance on many topics because they feel like they are being a burden, or they just feel awkward. We often mix up dependency with fear. If I do not ask someone for advice it is not necessarily because I do not want to be dependent on them, but more because I am afraid to have a meaningful conversation with that person.
For material goods, Americans hesitate a bit more. For example, I forgot to bring money and I was going to subway with my friends. I hesitated asking my best friend to borrow money because I did not want her to think I was depending on her. Another trend of dependency at Stevenson High School is on homework. When people can not figure out a math problem, they do not try to go beck and figure it out, rather they depend on a classmates homework the next day in school. I hate depending on people for homework because I get frustrated when I can not figure something out myself.
I would say Americans as a whole fear dependency for both material and non-material things. However, the reasons why we fear them are very different.


  1. Dependency is another thing that defines Americans. During Tuesdays with Morrie, he talks about how dependent we are on people and that we shouldn't be ashamed of it yet we still are.

  2. I agree with your idea that we do depend on each other because we are embarssed to ask for help. It is very common and interesting that you pointed it out.

  3. That's so true. The subway example is something that I feel like happens on the daily. I always have to bring money with me because I feel bad asking, but when other people ask I don't get mad. I guess I shouldn't feel bad asking anymore because we all know how each perspective feels.

  4. I also agree with your idea that people depend on each other too much. I feel that people always depend on each other for the answers or for a simple way out. I think that everyone depends on one another and without each other I dont really know what people would resort to

  5. i agree that we are dependent on one other but i also dont think it is a bad thing

  6. I really liked your Subway example because that is a situation that probably happens to everyone. That has happened to me before and I also felt awkward asking even my closest friends for money because I didn't want them to think I was dependent on them.
